
Archive for November 2022

They Shoot Horses Don’t They (1969) –  Harrowing watch

“We have become a race of peeping Toms. Instead, we should go out and look inside at ourselves”. This is an excellent quote from one of the greatest thrillers, Rear Window(1954), essentially about human voyeurism that is integral to our basic instinct.    Modern “reality” and “game shows” have only taken these aspects, far ahead.…

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NUREMBERG (2000) – Evil fascinates

  When World War 2 ended, the Allies decided to put all the top Nazi leadership on trial. The “undertrials” would be given the best of “Western” justice – the very kind of justice that they had denied to most, if not all, their victims in the countries occupied by them. The trial of the…

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By Dawn’s Early Light (1990) – Well-Intentioned Apocalyptic Thriller

  At times a film comes along that is timely. At times the film is strangely out of place given the contemporary happenings. By Dawn’s Early Light is both, especially when you consider when it was made.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AFLtRIwMqxY   In 1990, when the TV movie was released, tumultuous events were shaping a new world. …

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