
Posts by editor

Heart of Stone (2023) – That sinking feeling

Consider this.   A secret agent is on a mission and saves the world. He returns to his home town and agency and is given a new mission. And then he discovers that he has to save the world all over again as he did not do a proper job of it in the first…

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The Night Manager – two equally good versions

  The end of the Cold War in 1991 and the dissolution of the Soviet Union supposedly gave a “peace dividend”. The enormous budgets of the Armed Forces on both sides of the US-USSR divide could now be used for “peaceful purposes”. Or so they thought.      John le Carre’s The Night Manager was published…

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Smiley’s People (1982) – Riveting

    Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (1974) was the first book of The Karla Trilogy. John le Carre’s follow-up to this story was The Honourable Schoolboy (1977), which involved extensive travel to Southeast Asia, including Hong Kong, Thailand and Cambodia, where he witnessed and made notes about the final assault of the Khmer Rouge on…

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Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy – Great TV Series, Average film

David Cornwell, who went by the pseudonym John le Carre, wrote incredibly detailed books about spies, spying, morality, The Cold War and everything else. Many of his “Classic spy fiction” stories have been filmed or made into TV Serials.    Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy was published in 1974 to universal critical and widespread acclaim. Le…

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Oppenheimer (2023) – Brilliant !

Writer, Producer, Director : Christopher Nolan   Cast: Cillian Murphy. Matt Damon. Emily Blunt. Robert Downey Jr. Josh Hartnett. Florence Pugh.   Let me say that I went to the theatre purely by the hype surrounding the movie. I was also hesitant in that this is a Christopher Nolan movie where you spend most of…

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The Angel – The UNBELIEVABLE Spy

Ever since its birth, on May 14, 1948, Israel has led a precarious existence and has never known peace with its neighbours. Nowhere was this desperation more apparent than in the 1973 October war, known as the Yom Kippur War, when Israel was attacked simultaneously by Egypt from the South and Syria from the North.…

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Eli Cohen – The (Impossible) Spy – two films

  Mossad is the Israeli Civilian Intelligence Agency , collecting information on Israel’s foreign enemies.  (Aman, is a purely military intelligence agency responsible to the Defence Ministry). Over the years, Mossad has executed daring operations worldwide and not necessarily in the immediate neighbouring countries that have sworn to destroy Israel and continue to threaten Israel’s existence.…

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Kleo (2022) – ROCKING GOOD!

  It’s 1987, and the Cold War is in full swing. Kleo Straub, an unofficial “wet work” specialist – meaning assassin – is infiltrated through The Wall into West Berlin to assassinate a target. She reaches the nightclub and entices the target, but not before an off-duty West Berlin cop Sven Petzold (Dimitri Schaad), tries…

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WAR SAILOR (KRIGSEILEREN) (2022) – TV Series (3 Parts) – Absorbing

  In his six-volume autobiography, Winston Churchill said that the one thing that caused him maximum anxiety THROUGHOUT THE WAR was The Battle of the Atlantic. This was the battle by merchant ships, escorted by the British (and, after 1942, American) Navy, to bring supplies to Britain, to continue the war. These supplies came from…

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FUBAR (2023) – TV Series (8 Parts) – For Fans Only

  Cast : Arnold Schwarzenegger. Monica Barbaro. Milan Carter. Gabriel Luna   A secret agent is in a foreign country doing some caper. His guide keeps talking to him through a tiny two-way radio. The hijinks continue, and the secret agent just about escapes with his life after a spectacular ‘action’ scene  where the bad…

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Wansee Conference – Two Movies – CHILLING 

  Almost everyone knows what happened in The Holocaust – the systematic extermination of Undesirables and “Untermenschen”. These included anyone who opposed the Nazi philosophy and ideology, targeted groups like Jews, Gypsies, Communists, Homosexuals, Mentally unwell people, and opponents of the regime – in short, anyone and everyone the Nazis thought didn’t fit or opposed…

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Sobibor Escape – two films

One of the Third Reich’s most significant and darkest achievements was the efficient transport of “Untermenschen” to the gas chambers. Even with the tide turning in 1943 and the Russians pushing the Germans back to the Polish frontiers from where they started in June 1941, the gas chambers in Eastern Poland and Russia were busy.…

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POINT OF NO RETURN – 1993 aka The Assassin – Lost in translation?

Director: John Badham Cast: Bridget Fonda. Gabriel Byrne. Dermot Mulroney. Anne Bancroft.   Conspiracy theorists will love this film. The premise is simple.   A secret Government department trains young people convicted of severe crimes into an assassin squad. In this case, a female drug addict Maggie (Bridget Fonda) who has been involved in a…

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The Fourth Protocol (1987)  – excellent Cold War thriller

Director: John Mackenzie Cast: Michael Caine. Pierce Brosnan. Ian Richardson. Julian Glover.   After the relative period of détente of the late 1970s, the Reagan administration’s talks of the “Evil Empire”, raised the tension in Europe to a new high. In the mid-1980s, “tactical” nuclear missiles were based in Germany and the UK. This was…

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The Dirty Dozen – 1967 – A CLASSIC! 

Director: Robert Aldrich  Cast: Lee Marvin. Charles Bronson. John Cassavetes. Telly Savalas. Jim Brown. Ernest Borgnine. Robert Ryan. Donald Sutherland. Richard Jaeckel. etc In England, Major John Reisman (Lee Marvin) watches the hanging of a soldier in a military prison and is immediately asked to report to General Worden (Ernst Borgnine), who then gives him…

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Go Tell the Spartans – 1978 – Underrated Gem

Director: Ted Post  Cast: Burt Lancaster. Craig Wasson. Marc Singer. The French were defeated in 1954, and as a last act, Vietnam, over which they had ruled completely, was divided into two halves. With Hanoi as its capital, North Vietnam was Communist and wanted complete unification. With its capital in Saigon, South Vietnam was “democratic”…

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Dogs of Berlin (2018) – gritty, violent, seamy, Berlin Noir

Noir. A genre of American filmmaking that came into its own during WW2 and the mid to late 1940s and gradually faded in the 1950s. The French were the first to identify it and give it a different name – noir in French means black.  Generally, it signifies a specific style of filmmaking with specific…

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